Friday, March 25, 2011

A couple of random funny things in our house lately

Yesterday late afternoon I took both kids for haircuts. Jack no longer looks like a baby and it's so sad! He looks adorable, but just different and it will take me a few days to get used to. Anyway, later on, Hunter went into the bathroom to look at his new haircut. He came out and said, "Mommy, with my new haircut, I look like a Nick". I was laughing cute.
Nick put this ab lounge exercise thing in my closet to use in the mornings (my closet is way bigger than his). Hunter likes to use it on occasion if he's hanging out with me upstairs. He was on there the other day "doing his exercises" and I said, "you can get a strong tummy like daddy using this". He said "I want to grow some boobs like you have too."
The other day Nick called Best Buy...I could only hear half the conversation, but I laugh whenever I think about it.

Nick: Hi, I bought a Sony flat screen there with the 3 year warranty. I have some questions about my warranty. Can you help me?

...(I'm assuming they said yes)

Nick: Will you replace the tv if my kid smashes the tv and breaks the screen? Or scratches it with a toy?

....(I'm assuming they said no)

Nick: So the salesperson was not telling the truth when he said they'd cover any damage to the tv?

....(I have no idea what their response would have been...)

Nick: Ok. BYE.

To me after hanging up--"Those salespeople at Best Buy are the biggest liars!!
Have a great weekend! We have a new sitter coming tonight so we can go out with some of Nick's clients. Tomorrow Hunter starts soccer--can't wait to see how that goes!! Then Gammy Dori and Big D are coming to visit later on. Sunday I have to speak at mass as a member of our Finance Council. My stomach is already in knots about it. I talk way too fast when I get nervous...I have many clients who attend that mass and I am nervous!! Not to mention the other 400 people who will be there. Overall, we are all feeling better. I realized yesterday that Jack is getting more teeth in the back of his mouth which could explain the rough week we've had.

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