Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Disney--Day 3 at Animal Kingdom

We went to Animal Kingdom and had so much fun! Afterwards we went and took naps...We had dinner with friends in the evening, but the pictures are still on my cell phone, so I that is my next project! I have about 100 pics on my cell phone and I have to figure out how to get them on my computer without emailing them to myself one at a time.
Just one task of about one hundred these days...

I guess this is what you get when you ask an old lady to take your picture when she can't zoom in. OK, that was mean, but oh well.
My two handsome guys waiting in line for the bus...
Meeting Mickey Mouse!!
Hunter was super excited to meet him. I'm glad he's not shy after we wait in line for so long to have 30 seconds saying HI to Mickey! Giving hugs...
And high-fives
They had this "boneyard" area where kids can dig up bones and play in this sand. On the Disney DVD they advertise it as a way for parents to relax and get a break while the kids play, so of course we had to hit that up. The nice part was there was one entrance so your kid can't get out or lost. Good thing b/c I was off with Jack and Nick was on his phone checking email (no surprise)...and then in an instant Hunter was gone. I PANICKED. I was beyond mad. I ran to the entrance to make sure he couldn't get out and Nick searched for Hunter. We found him quickly, but my heart was racing and I was not happy with my husband for ignoring our kid to check email. I had seen a sign earlier for "Lost Kids" and I was thinking...I'd never let that happen!!
The boys had a lot of fun here
Helping to teach Jack to put sand in the bucket, not eat the shovel.
This silly boy did not want his picture with mommy :(

The best part of Animal Kingdom (in my opinion) was the safari thing they have. We headed straight there and you get on these trucks for a 20 minute ride through the "safari". We saw tons of animals and besides Jack not wanting to be confined to his seat, it was really fun.

Hunter loved seeing the alligators (or "al-i-day-gers" as he calls them). Look carefully...there were at least 10 lying there...
Our truck went through a lot of water and they really make it a cool experience. We saw alligators, lions, gorillas, ostriches, hippos, and at this point, I can't even remember what else! It was really neat.

Pictures from our visit with Grandpa Ron coming tomorrow hopefully!

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