Monday, March 21, 2011

Maybe the worst weekend ever?

Well, I was hoping to have a nice relaxing weekend to recover from our Disney trip. We were going to have my family over to celebrate Gigi's birthday on Saturday night, but otherwise take it easy. That's not how it turned out! I woke up at 1am on Friday morning throwing up...I got a nasty flu bug. I was awake the entire night after 1am. I must have thrown up over 15 times before I went to bed Friday night, amongst other things (TMI). Nick left for work Friday morning and Julie (our nanny) came over to watch the kids while I stayed in my room the whole day. Nick texted me at 10am saying he was throwing up at his meeting and was headed home. Needless to say by 1pm on Friday we were both in bed taking turns throwing up. My mother-in-law came Friday when the nanny left b/c there was no way we could be alone with the kids in our condition. I was feeling a little better Friday evening and Jack only wanted me to hold him, so it was a little rough. I'm thankful my mother-in-law was there to help with Hunter especially. I didn't sleep well Friday night. Saturday was a LONG day...I was weak and had no energy. I lost 6 pounds on Friday--Yikes!! I was happy about that, but it was not worth how horrible I felt. Saturday night at midnight I heard Hunter running down the hall crying and throwing up. He was throwing up red V8 juice all over the hall carpet...and then into our bathroom on the wall and floor. While we got that cleaned up, a bucket situated in Hunter's room, and Nick was going to sleep on the floor in his room, Jack woke up crying hysterically. He had a fever and did not go back to sleep the rest of the night for more than one hour. Nick and I took turns laying on the floor of Hunter's room (he threw up several more times) and dealing with Jack. By 6:30am on Sunday we were all downstairs watching movies with less than 2 hours of sleep. Hunter thank goodness was feeling better and didn't have it as bad as Nick and I did. Jack had a fever all day and was pretty fussy. My back is KILLING me from sleeping on the floor in Hunter's room, holding Jack so much, and just being in bed so much on Friday. Last night I couldn't sleep b/c of the loud thunderstorm and Jack was up again for about 1 1/2 hours. He has been waking up at midnight crying and won't go back to sleep. I am feeling very sleep deprived and CRABBY. I am a mommy who needs her sleep and I feel like I have a newborn again. I have had headaches and feel almost delirious from lack of sleep. It's going to be a long week. Please say a prayer that everyone feels better soon and sleeps tonight!! Hunter was very quiet this morning, but said he wanted to go to school. Jack was sleeping when I left, so hopefully getting some much needed catch up sleep.
More updates on Disney soon :)

1 comment:

Bubby's Mommy said...

Dude, that sucks, we experienced that in Nov with Maya and then one by one we all fell by flies, it even traveled w/ us to Iowa and got my parents......ugh. Now, Koji and I have the killer colds that are horrible and have been hanging on for 10 days now. It sucks. I hope things are better for you all soon. Your trip to disney looks like fun and the kids are adorable.