Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lemons, Asparagus and a mess!

My parents have told me a story before about how on their first date they both reached for a lemon to eat (I guess they knew it was love at first "reach for the lemon"??) I like eating them too.... Anyway, both of my kids like lemons as well--Hunter has since he was a baby. Jack is hit and miss, but often he will lick one and want more. We are weird, but must get it from my parents!

I gave Jack a lick and you can see he was making the "sour face".

I was eating some fish and asparagus for lunch and handed Jack a piece of asparagus. I figured he eats almost anything, I'll give it a try. He actually liked it which was surprising. Hunter won't even try a bite...I love having a not-so-fussy eater!! The funniest part is that if you eat asparagus you know it makes your pee smell funny. Well, his next diaper totally smelled like asparagus pee. At first I thought something was wrong until it dawned on me b/c it smelled so bad.
I love how he's inspecting it...like "should I really try this?"
This child is a mess. PB&J, goldfish, strawberries, and asparagus for lunch. He doesn't even eat the goldfish...he just likes to smash them on his tray and make a big mess. Nick and I argue about who will even pick him up out of his seat when he's done eating b/c he's so gross. You have to wipe him down completely after mealtime!
I still love that smile--messy face and all!!

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