Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jungle Java

We took the kids to Jungle Java in Canton over the weekend. I don't think I'll ever go again on a Sunday during the winter b/c it was SO busy. I was a bit paranoid and didn't like that Hunter would disappear into the huge structure for long periods of time. I'm paranoid, I know. Everything went fine though and he had a blast. Our nanny takes the kids usually once a week and they have so much fun, but she said it's not crowded at all when they go during the week.

That is Hunter in the read sweater way up in the tree thing.
They have a toddler area, so we took turns taking Jack in there to play.

The kids were both up from naps super early on Sunday, so it was nice to get out of the house for a bit. I was in a bit of a bad mood b/c Nick was letting Jack be super loud and it woke up Hunter who was then super crabby...long story, but Nick was to blame and I was not a happy mommy.

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