Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Just some sentences

Jack is turning three on Friday. I can't believe my baby is going to be three!! I have not planned anything for his birthday and I feel like a bad mom. Two fall birthdays--one right after the school year starts and the other right before holiday craziness is just plain hard for me to plan. I will plan something for us to do as a family on Friday to make his day special. Sunday we are having just grandparents and aunt/uncles over. It will be plain and simple. He will gets lots of love and attention and that's the most important thing!! I just love this child so much. He wakes up in the middle of the night and I just have to let him come in our room. I can't let him "cry it out" when he's yelling "mama come, mama come" over and over. Yes, my almost three year old is in a crib. He likes it and it confines him, so until he climbs out or insists on a toddler bed, he will stay right where he is. It's so sweet. He cuddles up next to me in bed and goes back to sleep most times. If I try to turn my back to him he grabs my face and makes me turn back around so we can snuggle. At least I have Jack b/c Nick spoons Chopper every night. ha! Last night he kept giving me these LOUD kisses on the check and would laugh hysterically at himself after he would do it. So sweet. It's been a rough morning. Long story, but we had some doctor's appts with the kids and it was stuff that was just not fun. Please pray that we can figure things out soon. Nick and I are both so stressed about it all and wish we had more family help around to coordinate things. With us both working it's just rough. I have thought at times I should stop working so I can take care of these types of things more easily. Thank goodness for now I have flexibility at work, a great team, and can do what needs to get done at work and on the home front. We are adopting a family through our church this year for Christmas. I called to pick my family (a single mom with GIRLS of course!!) and then I wonder why I add stress to my life by signing up for one more thing. I guess I can't help it and it's for a good cause. My co-worker, Kathy, loves to wrap presents, so I know I can get her to help me with this project. ha! Nick encouraged me to do it, but he won't be helping me shop for the family. We are blessed in many ways and I just thought it would be nice and rewarding to help someone a family in need this time of year. Hunter is staying at Uncle Mark's on Saturday night. I'm excited for him to have a sleepover, but way to paranoid. I know they will have a blast and he'll be in good hands, but I know I'll miss him and have anxiety over wondering how he's doing, riding in the car back to ann arbor, etc. I just can't help it.
Well, life could be better, could be worse. Hope the holidays aren't too stressful this year--wishful thinking I'm sure.

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