Friday, November 9, 2012

Jack is THREE

Jack is THREE today!!! He slept in good for mommy today---YAY. First morning in about 10 where he's slept past 5am. He slept till 6:30am and I was happy for that. The kids played well together b/c I kept reminding Hunter that it was Jack's special day. Daddy stayed home to make him is favorite--cheesy eggs with toast and some fruit. Hunter opted for Kix instead--crazy kid! All was well until we walked into school and he tripped and fell....then tears. His lunchbox broke and he was hysterical. I managed to fix it temporarily. Then when he got to his classroom, more tears b/c he wanted to ring the bell and there were other kids waiting at the door....ahhhhh. The drama. By the time we gave kisses and said good-bye he was a happy camper. They do a birthday ceremony at school at snack time (we can't bring in treats--boo hoo, but it's probably a good thing). I brought in pictures from each year of his life that the kids will all get to see. After school we are going to Chuck E. Cheese. My parents might come too....and then out for ice cream. The boys are very excited about this. Then tomorrow Hunter goes for a sleepover at uncle Mark's. Sunday we are having a mini-party for Jack. Just the grandparents, great-grandma Gigi, aunts and uncles. Should still be 15 people, but we just decided to keep it super small this year....mostly due to my lack of planning these days and inability to think ahead.

What has Jack been up to these days.....
1) He loves to do whatever Hunter tells him to do. Of course usually naughty things including calling people "Dumb baby", throwing things, hitting, or doing other stuff that makes me mad. I love that he looks up to big brother, but big brother does not always set the best example. Just being honest.

2) Jack is still so sweet. He loves to sit on mama's lap, cuddle, kiss, and play. He is the biggest mama's boy and I LOVE IT. Nick can't do anything for him, but that is ok with me b/c I don't mind. He will just come sit on my lap for no reason and it's just so sweet. Hunter has way too much energy to sit and get some love from mama!

3) He is learning more words all the time. He has apraxia of speech, but we are in therapy 2 days per week. It's interesting b/c most people would not even know this about him. He does talk, can say a lot of words, comprehends everything, but has difficulty putting lots of words together. We work on this a lot and therapy has really helped. We'll continue this as long as needed!

4) Jack loves to help! He will clean up toys, vacuum, sweep, change laundry, etc. He can't go to sleep if anything is out of place in his books or clothes on the floor!!

5) Speaking of sleep, my baby is still in his crib. I don't really care what anyone says b/c it keeps him confined, he LOVES his crib, and has shown no interest in a toddler bed. For now, I'm all about making life simple and I'm not excited for the transition b/c it means a longer bed time routine, and dealing with the transition. Trust me, he won't be in there when he's 4. However, until he climbs or falls out, we are not changing a thing.

6) Still working on potty training. Ok, I won't lie. Nick and I are just more lazy with Jack. Hunter demands SO much of us that we just aren't super motivated. He wears underwear at school and most of the time when he's awake. He still has plenty of accidents. We still wear diapers at nap and bedtime....we just need to work on him telling us when he has to go...may be part of the speech thing, I'm not sure. I may have to get him some presents for when he goes on the potty. I'm not worried about it--again, I'm sure he won't be in diapers when he goes to college. It's so funny how things change with a second child. These were all things that stressed me out with Hunter and this time, I just don't care b/c in the big scheme of things how long he wears a diaper and how long he sleeps in a crib is not that big of a deal. Yes, we need to work on potty training more, but he's coming along at his own pace!

7) He has his three year checkup soon so we'll see where he is with his measurements. He's in a 3T mostly and can still wear some 2T shirts. He's just the sweetest, funniest, little boy. He gets so proud of himself when he accomplishes something new or a new word...he'll put his hands up and shout "Yay!!".

Jack, you are the sweetest little blessing ever!!!! Mommy Daddy Hunter and Chopper all love you SO much!!!!! Your kisses, cuddles, and hugs are the BEST and mama can never get enough!!!!

He puts on this super huge cheesy smile :) Julie and Hunter made the signs in the background for Jack and it was so sweet of them!!! Hunter colored lots of pictures to tape up too....what a sweet big brother!! 

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