Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pintrest idea (courtesy of our nanny, Julie)...and rambling

I've heard a lot about pintrest, but haven't checked it out yet. Julie, our nanny, "invited" me to join, but I found out you have to have Facebook or Twitter to join. Maybe this will be what makes me finally join Facebook? We'll see. Anyway, she found some really cool ideas to do with the kids and here is what she did with Hunter yesterday. I think it might be my favorite "artwork" by him yet! It's so can see he used is hands and feet to make the flowers. His toenails are still green so we'll have to take a shower this weekend--haha.

It made my day when I got home from work yesterday :) Thanks Julie!! Now I just have to decide if I want to get on Facebook so I can use pintrest...or I'll just use Nick's facebook account to do it. Julie has lots of other ideas she found--she said her followers will think she has kids b/c she was looking up all sorts of stuff for Hunter and Jack--creative stuff and recipes. I think they are going to make homemade mini-pizzas next week, so that should be fun. Hunter has really started to enjoy helping us (well, Nick) cook, especially when it involves cracking eggs and licking bowls or beaters.

Hope you are having a good weekend! This morning Hunter went to his first basketball league practice. We decided to try basketball instead of soccer for this 10 week session at the place we go to since his friend Landon from soccer is switching too. They had fun today, so I hope he continues to like it. Jack and I went to Home Goods and found some cool stuff for the house which I'm really excited about! I feel like I'm growing up making my own decorating decisions without my mom's help--haha. I got a big decorative clock, hooks for coats, picture for laundryroom, and a few other things. I could spend hours (and a lot of money) there, but Jack wasn't having it, so that was a good thing. We are going to Jungle Java tonight with my cousins and some family friends. Tomorrow Hunter and I are going to Hands on Museum after church with another mom down the street and her three kids, so that will be fun. They have a boy who is a little older than Hunter and two little girls--Hunter is very excited to play with Alex. Nick is staying home to watch UM basketball while Jack naps :) Ten years ago I never thought this is what I'd be doing on the weekends, but it's all good!


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