Friday, January 27, 2012

Circus and a sleepover

Last Saturday my parents took Hunter to the circus in Lansing and then they had a sleepover. Nick and I were so appreciative of this! They picked Hunter up after soccer around noon and headed to Lansing. I gave my mom my camera and asked her to take lots of pictures They watched the circus and Hunter went on a pony and elephant ride. My dad looks so excited to be on the elephant, can't you tell? haha. What a good sport! My mom and Hunter held a snake too :) After the circus they went to dinner and back to my parent's house for a sleepover. I guess they were all in one bed, with the dog. Crazy. My dad he slept fine, but my mom didn't. Nick and I really enjoyed some one-on-one time with Jack. We took down our Christmas trees while Jack napped, went to PF Changs, and just spent some quality time fun! We didn't make it to church the next morning bc we all slept until 8am--I haven't had that much sleep in a long time--it was much needed and felt so good. Now I just need to find a way to get him to go on sleepovers more often.

My dad and Hunter on the elephant
I feel so sorry for circus animals. It's not my thing, but I'm glad my parents took Hunter so he could experience it. The circus workers creep me out and it seems like a sad life for the animals. I wonder who is creepier--circus or carnival workers??

Sword fight!

Having lots of fun. I already had to take the sword away though b/c he was not being kind to Jack within five minutes of getting home with it. He's already forgotten about it.

Hunter on the pony that smile!!!

This picture makes me laugh. Hunter looks like he is having fun or focusing on the show...My dad looks like he'd rather be at work.

When I upload this it's the right direction, but then when it puts it on here, it's wrong. I am too busy to try to figure it out. Anyway, my mom is not scared of snakes. I would NEVER do this. Thank goodness for grandma's! haha. Hunter has talked about the "squishy" snake a few times. They are brave!!

Thanks again mom and dad...We cherish the one-on-one time with Jack. Hunter demands so much attention, so we just love having alone time with Jack. He's so sweet and funny. We really enjoyed going out to dinner with just him too. It's amazing how our perspective changes...we never thought it was easy to go out to eat with Hunter. However, now when we just have one kid it seems like a piece of cake and going out to dinner is not a big deal at all. It's probably a combination of Jack being easier and us loosening up for the second kid. I don't think I ever too Hunter to the grocery store alone before Jack was born. Now just taking one kid to the store seems like a breeze. Ha!

Have a great weekend!!

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