Monday, October 4, 2010

Our weekend and cider mill with Gigi

We had a nice weekend overall. Friday night we had an impromptu pizza party with our neighbors. We invited Connor and Calise over for pizza and to play with Hunter. We had a really fun time and should invite them over more often! Saturday Nick and Hunter went to the movies in the morning (they have free movies at 9 and 10am at Quality 16) since it was raining while I ran to the store with Jack. Saturday after quiet time, we had the Duprey Family over to watch the football game. Angela and I took the boys to the Fall Festival at Hunter's school and then came back to watch the end of the game and eat dinner. I have pictures from Saturday that I'll post later. Sunday, the and Costco. Then the cider mill with Gigi...see below.
On Sunday we went to Three Cedars Farm with Gigi. We were happy she could come with us! It was really cold and windy. I am the worst mom ever and with the chaos of getting out the door, I forgot Jack's coat. I had even gone in the basement to dig it out of "storage". Fortunately, Hunter had lots of layers, so I took one of his sweatshirts off and put it on Jack--and I had the hats, so they were ok. Nick was clearly annoyed and thought we should have driven back home, but he doesn't help to think of what needs to get to the car, so it's always my fault!

Walking in...He didn't want to hold hands with anyone, but finally convinced him to hold Gigi's hand.

Jack had fun in the cornbox. Thankfully he had the binkie in, or that corn would have been in his mouth! Working on his fine motor skills picking up those small pieces--I know, I'm a dork. While Hunter played on the slides we got out of the wind and sat in this covered area.

I was a good sport and climbed up the ladder to get my picture taken with Hunter. Once as a cow, and once as a pig. Then the easiest way down was the twirly slide, so we went down it together.

Hunter played on the train while we sat and relaxed for a few minutes.
I love my Jack!! He is getting to be quite squirmy and doesn't want to cuddle quite as much which is disappointing. Everyone says I hold him too much, but I don't care. I am going to while I can b/c Hunter never cuddles anymore.

Overall, we had lots of fun. Hunter was a stinker (nice word for brat?) while we ate cider and donuts. He didn't want to sit with us and didn't eat one donut, so he just wanted to go back out and play. Gigi loves him no matter what, but I think she sees we have our hands full with him! I think he said "no" over 100 times in the 2 hours she was with us.

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