Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wild Child...

Last night Nick had something going on, so I was alone with the kids for a few hours. Hunter was being a "nut boy" as he calls himself. I pulled out the camera b/c he was out of control. It lasted for about an hour and he put on quite a show for Jack and I. I have a video too that I'll have to post later. We have a few other friends with young children...why is mine the only one this wild? People tell me he's "normal"...I'm starting to wonder. This morning when I went into his room he was jumping around in his bed like a complete wild child for ten minutes straight. He was sweating and his heart was racing before he got out of bed! Who has that much energy at 7:30am?!?!?

He looks like such a sweet and innocent little boy...but no, don't let his smile fool you.

"Nut boy" in action

Jack just hung out in his exer-saucer watching the action...

Riding his "nay-nay" as he calls it. He was going crazy on it!

Jack is still having fun watching Hunter...just wait till you see his expressions below.

Jumping, jumping, jumping all around the family room.

Acting silly...

Now Jack is looking at Hunter like, "what is wrong with this kid?!?!"
Taking a quick break to smile for mommy

He was hopping around on his tractor, destroying the nice train track he and Nana had built earlier in the day. Chopper was going completely crazy growling and biting the wheels which made Hunter laugh hysterically.

"Ok, you people are nuts"

Hunter loves to terrorize Chopper. The video I have will be even more evidence of this.

Maybe Jack will be a little more calm, but I highly doubt I would be so fortunate. At least he wears himself out and sleeps like a champ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha!!! yeah that is my house at times!