Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jack 6 month update--a week late

Jack turned 6 months on May 9th (Mother's Day), so this post is a week late.
Here are some of the things going on with Baby Jack:
  • He isn't drooling as much, so we don't have to wear bibs as much anymore. He still likes the binkie.
  • He weighs just over 19lbs and is 28 inches long. He is in the 75th percentile for weight and length. His head is in the 50th percentile.
  • He is (and has been for weeks) wearing 9 month clothes.
  • He is great about going to his crib for bedtime and naps! He doesn't cry at all!!! He'll play with his binkie for a few minutes and fall asleep...It is truly amazing. He cried one time for 15 minutes and never again. It could not have gone any better.
  • Jack is sleeping ok. The last week has been good, but we have good and bad weeks. We've been trying to give him more rice cereal (three times per day). I think this helps. He goes to bed at 8pm. He'll wake up around 10:30pm and we go in and put the binkie back in his mouth and he falls back asleep. Then he'll wake up again any time between 11:30pm to 4am wanting a bottle. He'll eat 8oz and fall back asleep. He wakes up any time between 6 am and 7:30am.
  • His naps are not very consistent. It depends on what we are doing with Hunter. He usually gets at least one good nap in his crib per day and otherwise it's in the carseat, bouncy seat, whatever and wherever. I was never this relaxed about Hunter's schedule, but it's just impossible to be on a good the fall when Hunter starts pre-school and Jack is older, they will both nap (or have quiet time) from 1-3pm.
  • Jack is just the happiest baby. He never cries. People ask us all the time if he church people will come up to me and say "I haven't heard a peep out of that baby all through mass...does he ever cry?" Nope. He really doesn't. He'll fuss a little if he wants to be held or be fed, but I don't think I've seen tears more than once or twice ever (once I can remember when Hunter hit him in the head with a tractor, so you can't blame him). How have I gotten so lucky? God must know I can't handle much so He's been kind to me.

He's discovered his voice and loves to babble

Such a happy baby!!

Here is Hunter at just over 6 months...there are similarities, but their eyes are different.

Jack has amazingly long eyelashes! He is such a sweet and happy guy--it makes me want to have another :)

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