Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I don't really mean to be a complainer but I feel like I can't breathe right now. Things are SO crazy. Jack is in speech therapy two evenings per week, Hunter plays t-ball, I either have mom's group, church or women's business group on Tuesdays (that's 3 of 4 Tuesdays per month), and Nick has stuff too. The weekends are also nuts--school events, Jack soccer, Hunter basketball, church school, etc. Hunter's birthday is Thursday and we are having a little party on Sunday. My great-aunt is in town, family is coming for Thursday pizza party at our house, and it just doesn't stop. Not to mention, since Jack has started school his sleeping has been way nuts--this is the worst b/c I need my sleep and he's been great for SO long. He wakes up at all hours of the night, wakes up early, and it's a nightmare. Last night he was up at 2am, brought him to our room b/c he was hysterical, laid with him for a bit, back to bed for an hour, and back up again crying! Back into our room by 3am and for the rest of the night. The kid wants to snuggle and lay right on me--I love it, but not when I'm trying to get my sleep. Saturday and Sunday he was up at like 4 am crying. You'd think with starting this toddler program he'd be exhausted...maybe it's b/c he has a little cold. All I know is I can barely stay awake. I had a pilates lesson at 7:30am, meetings at work at 8:45am and 10:30am, business group from 6-8:30pm tonight. Do I try to run home early from work, see kids for 45 minutes only to turn around back across town for my meeting? Seriously!?!? It's all a little much! I know a lot of families have MORE kids, MORE activities, etc. but I am wondering how in the heck they do it. Especially if they work outside the home. If I had "normal" hours with no flexibility I'd have quit or been fired a long time ago. I am thankful my partner at work "gets it" as he had three young kids and lots of things going on too. I just can't stop yawning. Maybe I can sneak a nap in under my desk??? haha.

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