Friday, September 7, 2012


TGIF. It's been a LONG week, but we made it. We were super busy, kids had a tough time with sleep schedules this week, and adjusting to school. Jack fell asleep on a teacher yesterday so when I picked him up yesterday he woke up and never took a nap back at home (besides the 10 min at school after lunch). Nick was out of town yesterday and today. Jack woke up hysterical at 4am, so I had to bring him to our bed. He tossed and turned a lot keeping me up. Not to mention they are doing major construction on roads around our house and I could hear loud trucks re-paving roads ALL night last night. Hunter woke up at 6:30 am and I had to go shower in his room so I could keep him in there and let Jack sleep. Ahhhh. Then I was rushed this morning b/c kids were not cooperating and wore my flip flops out the door instead of my work shoes. I didn't realize it till I got to the kids school. I said forget it, I'm wearing flip flops today, not going back home! Ha! The are bright blue with a long skirt, so not sure how obvious, but no client meetings. Oh, and my poor nanny, Julie. Her dad had a stroke on Tuesday...please pray. He is in the hospital...hoping for a full recovery!! Lots of stress!!!

My point this this post was that Hunter would not eat breakfast. I told him he could have anything "healthy" that he wanted. He said he was craving pickles (the stuff this kid says at times is hilarious). Ok,whatever. He had four little ones and then had a tummy ache on the way to school and said he was still hungry. I dug out a package of fruit snacks and a cookie from the bottom of my purse just to try to get some more food in him so his teachers didn't think I starved the kid. I told him next time he should take my suggestion of granola, waffle, cheerios, bagel, or english muffin. But no. He. wanted. pickles. You don't even want to know what else is in my purse (clean diapers, dirty socks, kids toys, and so much other random stuff)--it's bad. 

Happy Friday!!  

ps. Don't mind the awful haircut. OMG. Never letting Nick take him to Great Clips again!!!! I may even try to fix it myself this weekend?!?!

1 comment:

Nick said...

you don't like lloyd christmas?