Saturday, September 17, 2011

Toledo Zoo (Labor Day 2011)--way late too

Labor Day 2011 was not very nice weather :-( We had plans with Hillary, Frank and Jackson and it would have been fun to go to the pool one last time, but it was too cold, so we went to the Toledo Zoo instead. It was a lot of fun...we got there when it opened so we could be home for naps, and it looked like it was just getting really crowded when we were leaving.

The four of us... Hunter and Jack act like monkeys climbing and jumping off our couches, so this was a good place to take a family picture. Hunter can actually jump, but Jack just tries to copy Hunter and face plants. It is a site to see. Over the last two weeks I have noticed Jack acting more like Hunter and it is probably going to drive me insane. Throwing, hitting, screaming, etc. He threw a metal train at my face (by accident, but still) the other night. I was trying not to cry and was certain I would wake up with a black eye. Fortunately, I didn't, but I am on guard now. Hillary, Frank and their son Jackson. Jackson turned two on St Patty's Day. She is due with a baby girl this winter. I am so excited...several of my other friend's are prego with their second are having second boys. I'm happy that she is having a little girl :) Jackson is going to be such a good big brother!

We went on the train ride before leaving the zoo

Hunter and daddy. People say Hunter looks like Nick and Jack looks more like me. I don't see that Jack looks like me, but Hunter is pretty handsome like his daddy.

Jackson liked the train, but really liked just looking over the edge. He's so calm compared to my boys. I'm curious to see if her baby girl will be just as calm or a drama queen. Hillary has it pretty good as far as I can see!

I just like the expression on Jack's face..."what is that?!?!"

Jackson is the sweetest little guy...and has amazing blue eyes!! (after his momma)

Some of the animals were acting kind of weird. The leopards were practically fighting. The penguins were crazy too. They were ganging up on this one and chasing him around...and making these weird noises. It was kind of freaking me out.

I love the elephant. The baby one was there too (born in June), but our lovely photographer, Nick, didn't get a good picture of him.
The gorilla meadow is another of my favorites b/c they usually are so close to the glass and just stare at you.
Like this!
Have a great day. Hunter has been whining all day, isn't napping, and is being of those days I guess. I hope we can handle three kids for a few hours while baby Alana is here. I have to admit I'm a little worried (might be good birth control for me), but I'm banking on the fact Matt & Jacquelyn won't see this until afterwards or they might not want to bring her over...just kidding. I'm worried about my kid's behavior, but I am planning to feed them dinner before she comes over and have "movie night"...even though that does not entail them necessarily sitting and watching a movie. Maybe 15 minutes of calmness, but then it's craziness with a movie on in the background. Lets just hope Jack doesn't throw a train at her face. I will be guarding her with my life so I'm not banned from babysitting her!


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