Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hunter's First Day of School 2011

Tons of stuff to write about from the weekend, but no time today. Hunter woke up happy and excited to go to school. I offered to make him whatever he wanted for breakfast, but he just wanted a mini-bagel with peanut butter and V8 juice. He said maybe tomorrow I could make him something special :) We got a few pictures before leaving and sung "Jesus music" as he calls it on the way to school. Since Jack was not with us the Elmo DVD got a break and we sang several songs from his vacation bible school cd. Don't tell anyone that I listen to it alone in the car and sing along b/c I like it so much! He was all smiles and was happy Mr. Joshua (one of his assistant teachers) was the one to get him out of the car this morning.

Mommy and Hunter before he left for school!

I left work to pick him up at 1pm to talk to him and see him after his first day of school....
This is how our conversation went on the drive home.
Me: Hunter, how was school? What did you do?
Hunter: My work.
Me: What work?
Hunter: I painted.
Me: What else besides painting?
Hunter: Nothing.
Me: Did you have circle time?
Hunter: Yes.
Me: What did you do in circle time?
Hunter: Nothing.
Me: Well, did you have fun on your first day?
Hunter: Yes.
Me: I'm happy to hear that. I love you and am so proud of you!

I feel like I was talking to a teenager who hates talking to their mother! He did give me a kiss, per my request, when I buckled him in the car after pick-up. I hung out at home for a little bit and then let the nanny put him down for his nap. Curious to see if he'll nap considering all the excitement today. I am so proud of him and SO thrilled that he loves going to school and it's not a traumatic drop-off. After I left I got a little sad just thinking about how much he is growing up before my eyes.

Right before drop-off in the school parking lot...so excited to get out and show his teachers his new shoes and new Cars lunchbox.

Last year he was smiling, but more of a nervous smile--uncertain of the newness. Above is true happiness to be going to school and I love it!

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