Friday, August 24, 2012

A good day

Just being kids don't usually play that well together. The fact that Jack is still not talking a ton (although MUCH improved recently) and Hunter just "doesn't like having a little brother" makes life difficult at times. The last two days have been good though! Hunter seems to want to engage more with Jack, share with him, and boss him around--and Jack happily obliges. Last night Nick had to show some people one of our rentals, so the kids and I were on our own for dinner and part of the evening. We had fun--a make believe car wash in the driveway. I was the "supervisor" and they were my "workers".

 We brought out some bikes and tractors to wash...

 Hunter took his job seriously. 

My car was parked in the garage, but Jack kept going in and trying to wash it, so I pulled it out and let them go at it. It's about time they earn their keep around here! 

I asked Hunter what he charges for a car wash and he said "Eight pennies". I told him that was a great deal and he should charge $5. 

All of our stuff out to dry...
 Speaking of getting paid, Nick gives Hunter a penny for each weed that he pulls. I can't pull weeds b/c of my back, so Nick has to do it all...or enlist the kids for help. Hunter had about 50 pennies here and wanted to put them in his piggy bank. Then Jack wanted to help. I wasn't thrilled about the money being on the high chair, but I didn't want to ruin a good thing (i.e. sharing and playing together nicely). 
Hunter was trying to give away his pennies to Jack and I told him it should not give away his money--unless it's to church or charity (or given homeless people like Nick enjoys making fun of me for!)
 In other not-so-good news....I think we have two nail biters. Both kids have started doing this. I clipped their nails super short to try to make them stop, but no luck yet. Yuck. I suppose I should not be surprised since Nick and I both grew up biting our nails. It drives me nuts though!!! 

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