Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gigi's birthday party

I hope you are enjoying this lovely day. Still can't rearrange pictures, but wanted to post these from Gigi's birthday party. She turned 83 on March 16th and we had 16 people total at our house to celebrate! We had fun, except for Michigan losing the basketball game :( Not that we deserved to win b/c we played so horribly, but still. Gigi loves U of M bball too, so that was not cool of them to lose on her bday.

This was at the end of the night...bedtime and wind down time. Jack, Hunter, Andy (my first cousin, he doesn't have kids yet), Alex, and Luke. Luke/Alex are my other cousin's boys. Did you follow?

It was so funny that the kids were in the family room watching Curious George on the big screen while 12 adults were in the kitchen watching basketball on the small tv in the sunroom. Something is seriously wrong with that picture.
Both of my kids wanted to help Gigi open her presents and blow out her candles.
I LOVE this picture!! Thanks for sharing Gigi :)

My grandma...she's had a rough year this year with her health, so I hope age 83 is nicer to her. We all love her and were happy she got out of the hospital and then rehab just in time for her birthday!

My mom, Gigi, and my Aunt Kathleen

The impossible task of trying to get all the great-grandkids together. Oh wait, it was just my kids who wouldn't sit for a picture. Alex & Hunter are polar opposites. He's so quiet and shy, where Hunter is a wild child.

Another try?

Hunter was flipping all over the place, jumping off the couch, Jack just wanted down, it was mass chaos with three people trying to take pictures.

Andy is like "who are these kids and get them away from me". Hunter took a liking to Andy and kept messing with him b/c Andy would laugh at him. I'm not sure Andy knows what to do with a child like Hunter. Haha. He'll probably have kids just like mine when he's has a family b/c he was the joker (and maybe still is?) haha.

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