Friday, October 28, 2011

Pictures with Gammy Dori

Last Friday Gammy Dori and Big D came down to do family pictures with a photographer and Gallup Park with us. Afterwards they came back over for dinner and to hang out for a little bit. We appreciate them coming and I know the pictures will turn out great! Well, we took a few pictures back at the house, just goofing around. Hunter LOVES to take pictures with our camera, so we were trying to get him to take pictures of Gammy, Jack and me. Nick and Big D were out picking up dinner still.

Jack is so cute, but I just don't think he is that photogenic. He looks pale and just not himself. Not to brag, but when we go out, people tell us all the time how adorable he is, yet when I look at these pictures I don't think he looks that cute...or like himself. I'm not sure why.

Gammy Dori sure loves her two grandsons :) They are so spoiled being the only two on both sides of the family!

Hunter took this one and I thought he did a pretty good job!

Outtake #1.

Outtake #2.

Have a great weekend. Nick has been out of town from Thursday morning till Saturday night. I'm so thankful that he doesn't travel all that much for work b/c it is HARD when he's gone. Last night I told him via text that I don't ever want to get divorced b/c being a single mom is really challenging. It gives me an appreciation for moms whose husbands travel all the time. Just getting dinner together, baths, bedtime, etc. is so hard with two wild and sillyboys! I think my back pain adds to the stress of it all. I will be so happy to see him tomorrow when he comes home. I am getting a massage (per Nick's suggestion) on Sunday and Nick said I could rest or nap when the kids aer napping and he could get chores done and deal with them. It sure gives me something to look forward to!

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