Thursday, October 20, 2011

Big Boy Bed

My dad put Hunter's big boy bed together last weekend. We bought those convertible cribs for both kids. They are cribs, then toddler beds, and then convert to a full size bed. We still need to do a little more decorating--i.e. things for the walls b/c I took down the really babyish wall hangings, but all in all, it looks great! I appreciate my parents doing this so much--it would have never gotten done if it was left up to Nick. My mom and I picked out the bedding last week together (it was 40% off at Macys--yay). I wanted something that would last for a long time (no spiderman, batman, cars, etc.). Hunter is really proud of his bed and loves it!

The bed sits up pretty high, but he can still climb up and down by himself. Jack on the other hand can't get up on the bed without help. My mom texted me the above picture while Nick and I were out of town last weekend. This is the morning after he slept in it the first time. He slept until 8:15am and didn't fall out!
Last night I had a MOPS (mom's group) potluck dinner. It was super fun and I didn't get home until 10pm. I went up to shut Hunter's door and this is how I found him. He has been loving his puzzles again lately...he was laying on the floor all over his puzzle pieces. I called Nick up to see him and lift him up into bed b/c I can't do that with my bad back. I was cracking up when I saw him. Silly boy!

Have a great day :)

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