Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mornings at our house

I usually have a decent amount of time with the kids in the morning before Julie comes and I take Hunter to school. Lately, Hunter has not been napping, so he has been sleeping in later than Jack. It is bittersweet...I am not happy that he's not napping (he still has quiet time in his room), but it's kind of nice that he's not up at 6am. Plus he is ready for bed at 8pm. So for the last week or so, he's been going to bed at 8pm and waking around 7 or 8pm. Jack still goes to bed at 8pm, takes a nice long nap (2-4 hours) and sleeps until around 7am. We have our little routine each morning. Jack pulls his high chair over from the table to the counter for breakfast. Hunter sits at the counter and eats breakfast while doing puzzles. We sometimes watch cartoons. They will sit like this for 30-45 minutes and it's great b/c I eat breakfast with them, get my stuff ready for work, do dishes, feed the fish/dog, get Hunter's lunch ready, and we just hang out! This morning I pulled out the camera to take pictures...Hunter was making silly faces at me while I was doing dishes and Jack was trying to copy him. Plus they both got haircuts yesterday and look so darn handsome if I do say so myself!

Julie (our nanny) and I both agree that he looks SO MUCH older with his new haircut. I am such a baby, but I'm getting so sad that he's almost two.

My sweetie pie.
Cheesy smile!

Nick looks just like this when he was little...he would squint his eyes in pictures too!

The mean face.

The silly face.
The "Captain Hook, I'm gonna get you!!" face.

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