Monday, February 22, 2010

Our Weekend...

We had a nice weekend with the kids. Saturday morning I took Hunter to "Elmo's Birthday Party" at the bookstore since he LOVES Elmo (although Nemo has been more popular lately since we saw the movie Finding Nemo). There were tons of kids there and we had fun. They read stories, sang songs, and colored cards for Elmo. They did a drawing for some prizes drew Hunter's name first and I told him to go up and get his prize. He yelled out "Yay Hunter" really loud and everyone thought he was hilarious. Saturday evening we took him to the U of M basketball game. GG, Nana, and Grandpa Tom came too. Connie watched Baby Jack for us....we took Hunter to a Pistons game when he was about 4 months old and it did not go well, so we weren't about to make that mistake again. We played Penn State and lost :( Hunter wasn't sure what to make of it all for the first few minutes, but did fine after that. He LOVED the popcorn the most and had fun clapping and yelling "go blue!"
Sunday we went to church and Costco for some groceries/lunch (our usual Sunday routine). He has been doing really well in the nursery at church so we are very happy about that!

1 comment:

Bubby's Mommy said...

Too bad about Penn State; I'm still loyal to Michigan....Go Hunter!