Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Countdown to Disney Cruise!

We leave for TX in three days....we'll be gone for 8 days, so I'll be MIA for a while :) We will have super limited internet access on the cruise, so I feel like it will be family boot camp for us--ha! I am looking forward to the break from cell phones, ipads, tv, computer, etc. Actually, I'm excited to have time with Nick without him constantly being on his phone/computer/ipad...ahhhhh...it takes over so easily. Hopefully when we come back it will be warmer and we can start spending more time outside. Hunter starts flag football shortly after we get back, so I hope he likes it! He LOVES basketball and soccer, so hopefully this will go just as well. Until then I am busy getting ready to go. These two cutie pies below are super excited too--Jack has a hard time understanding the concept of counting down to the cruise, so it's an argument each morning about how many days until we leave! 

 They were asked again to do a photo shoot for My Urban Toddler spring catalog, so we are doing that today after school. I am not sure how that will work with it being 40 degrees out, but maybe it will be indoors...who knows. I just hope they cooperate for the photos. We got haircuts over the weekend, so they will be cute. Jessica, our nanny, is helping me b/c I can't manage getting these two both changed into several outfits alone! 
Do these kids have any idea of how good they have it? I doubt it. Rare moment of them NOT fighting these days. 


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