Friday, February 22, 2013

Wish I were there (sort of)

I'm ready for Nick and Hunter to come home! It's pretty lonely at home, but I've gotten a lot done. I got the carpets cleaned yesterday (and they look so good!!!), lined up a plumber to hook up the water in the basement, went through old kid clothes to donate at an upcoming Mom2Mom sale for my MOPS's group, so that feels good! The amount of kids clothes we have is just ridiculous. I actually found a bin of 3T clothes in the basement that I didn't know I had, so now Jack has a "new wardrobe"...ha! No kid should have 10 pairs of jeans. I don't even know where it all comes from, but my plan is to donate proceeds this year to MOPS and next year I'll sell the rest and keep the money :) I can't get organized enough this year to do it all. 

 Hunter at the pool. It kind of scares me that the pool drops off on the edge like that...pretty though! 

The edge of the pool looks so weird!! It drops down below I guess to the beach. 
I need to go tanning before they get back--ha! 

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