Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Puerto Vallarta pics!

 Well, my week has not been getting off to how I planned. I expected it to be fun and relaxing with Jack. So far he's been a bit of a terror and no idea why. Nothing that some retail therapy and a pedicure couldn't cure yesterday (I had the day off and a babysitter for a few hours). I am hoping Nick won't figure it out for a while--ha! Whatever--he's in Mexico, so I can do what I want! 
Then the first night in Mexico Nick called with Hunter and he was clearly quite intoxicated. To say I was mad is an understatement. I just hope someone is taking care of our child who is sober. I'm trying not to let it ruin my week. I'm glad they are having fun, but Nick needs to be a responsible parent when I'm not there. Ahhhhhh. This might be the first and last time this kind of a trip happens. I am jealous, but with my getting SO sick and the fact that I could not take this week off work, it just couldn't happen. 
One thing he is doing is taking pictures--thanks Nick (and his mom)....Enjoy! 

I love this one above!! 

 Pretty awful hats--I may be making fun of him for this. 
 Gammy Dori is so happy to have Nick and Hunter visiting! 

 I don't know what is up with these poses by Hunter--must be new. 

  At least I have proof he's ok and not sunburned--and smiling!! 

1 comment:

Nick said...

I know about the pedicure. And I am sober.