Monday, February 25, 2013

He's going to hate me for this

Jack may never forgive me for this, but I had to document it. He has been using the potty for quite some time now, but he has just refused to do #2 on the potty. It's very annoying. I don't want to freak him out, but I'm at the point of getting irritated when he runs off on me and goes in his pants. He never does it at school--only at home. We've thrown away a lot of undies--lets face it, sometimes it's not worth trying to clean them out before washing. We've tried everything--candy, stickers, potty charts, trying to pee/poo on cheerios game...I've even bought like ten presents from the dollar store, wrapped them, and try to bribe him with that. Nothing has worked! 
 Jessica, our nanny, had a good idea--she put him on the potty with the ipad...just to get him more comfy with spending time on the potty (he has that baby bjorn seat to sit on). I've also been keeping track of the times he usually goes each day. 
 Saturday morning...after 15 minutes he yells, "Mommy! Come get the ipad, I have to poop!"
 He finally did it...Then he tells me, "Now I want my stickers, my sucker, AND my present!!" ha! Whatever, I was so darn happy, I was happy to oblige. 
 A magnifying glass from the dollar store! 
It totally made my weekend!!!

We also had to send daddy a video to tell him....see below. 

Sorry Jack in advance....when you are 20 and reading this, just remember, I love you! 

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