Monday, January 28, 2013

Dolphins and boating in FL

More from our FL trip...we had some dolphins swimming super close to the boat and it was so neat! We went out on the boat twice and took it along the Marco shoreline and then to shell island. It was super fun :)
They were SO close to the boat!!! The kids loved it :)
 There were three of them swimming around the boat

 Bridge to get onto Marco Island
 It was a nice day, but I had gotten too much sun the day before, so I had to wear a long sleeve shirt to recover! 
 Captain Hunter...As a side note, several years ago (pre-kids era), we took this boat out and totally got stuck on shore b/c of the tide. We had stopped to let Chopper (our baby at the time) off on shore to go pee and literally we had a problem! Nick and my mom were pushing like crazy every time a wave came up to try to rock the boat back into the water--we barely made it. I guess you have to take that seriously. We'd go to shell island in the morning and then we'd come back later and there would be a huge sandbar that wasn't there four hours prior! Thank goodness there is an app for that b/c my dad likes to live on the wild side so we put a tide app on his phone so we didn't die. 
 Hunter and his Nana :)

 Nick took some fun pictures as we went along the shore of Marco
 On the way to shell island--so pretty!! Hunter is looking out for dolphins
This island is's so pretty, has great shells, and a nice beach. All these boats pull up and hang out. There are several retired people who have boats with grills and liquor licenses--they sell burgers, hot dogs, chips, water, pop, beer...they said we were his best costumers one day--who the heck spend $50 on the beer boat? Nick and my dad--that's who.  
 One day there were three of these things up in the sky. The guys were crazy dipping down and shooting back up in the air--looked like fun! 

 While my sister was back in FL in zero degree weather working, my dad was chilling on the beach! 
Nick on the way back from the beer boat...ha! 

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