Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Random sentences

I need to get my camera out and take some pictures of our cutie pies, but this week has been nuts. I realized as I was saying something to some moms in my MOPS group and complaining about my crazy week that they both have way more kids than me and I should not be complaining to them! One mom has seven kids and the other has 5. I only have two (however Hunter should count for at least three), so it could feel more like 4? ha! Well, it got me thinking if our schedules are "normal". This is a rhetorical question in case you didn't know. Do moms who work outside the home stress out as much as me? What would I do if I had a 9-5 job with no flexibility? Our nanny was in a car accident and couldn't come Monday. Nick was already taking a 1/2 day to take the dog for some procedure on his eye (add that to the HUGE bill last month....choke me), so I had to cancel a meeting, pick Jack up from school, take him to speech therapy, bring him back to work, and wait for Nick to come get him after the dog appt so I could be here for my 3pm meeting. That was my day. I was so busy that I didn't listen to my voicemail until later that night as I was driving Jack to an appt and realized a message was from the lady who we were meeting with cancelling b/c she was sick. we went Christmas shopping instead! Jack was great in the store and was so consumed with these snowmen pj's I got him that he didn't notice all the other stuff I was buying for him for Christmas! Although I forgot to take it out of my car and Hunter saw a big box for Jack and was asking a million questions! And so it goes.....
Tonight is our huge work holiday party. It stresses me out and I'll be glad when it's done! Nick is bringing Jack for a bit while a sitter takes Hunter to soccer. Crazy. I need to make a dent in Christmas shopping ASAP and get my tree up. I know I'm rambling.
In better news, we told the kids that we booked the Disney cruise and FL. They don't care about FL, but Hunter is mad that it's FL, Mexico, and then Disney cruise instead of the cruise first. He asked about 100 questions on the way to school today.
1) Can I ride the water slide all day? no hunter, not all day
2) Can Mickey go on the water slide with me all day? probably not
3) Jack, you better not go in the ocean or a shark will eat your foot, right mom? nope, i doubt it
4) Our boat is bigger than the entire ocean, right mom? nope, not quite that big
5) Is Mickey going to talk to me? yep
6) Can we eat with the Chipmunks? probably
7) Will the Chipmunks bite and claw us? no, they are nice
8) I won't have to wear those dumb fairy costumes, right? (he saw a video on youtube with girls getting dressed up like fairies). right kiddo, i won't make you dress up like a fairy
9) How many pools are on the boat? a lot.
10) Are we leaving the country? yes
11) Are we going to be on the boat the whole time? no, we make some stops and do fun stuff.

And so on and on and on....

They are super excited and we are too!!! I think we may come home exhausted though!! For now Hunter is counting the days to Mexico (75 days) and so am I. I'm thrilled to have a staycation with Jack!

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