Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Quick Update

Not much time for blogging with the holidays right around the corner. I've also been sick since last Thursday morning :( Then Thursday night we had planned to see Santa at our club and Jack broke out with some horrible welts. Nick took Hunter to see Santa and I took my sick self and Jack to the urgent care. They put him on antibiotics and it cleared up right away. In happy news, I got a new (used car). It hardly cost us anything out of pocket and I LOVE it. It's a Yukon hybrid...much more room. Is it crazy to say I'm just super happy that the kids can't reach each other to hit and pinch each other? ha! It feels like a new car even though it's not. It has about 5k less miles than the Acadia had. Nick hated the Acadia for some reason and it just didn't seem big enough for us. The full circle car situation is another blog post in itself....had a yukon in 2001, traded it in for smaller right before Hunter was born, then two weeks after jack was born got acadia b/c said car was too small (nick drives it now). Now back to Yukon---too funny.
In other news, I didn't go to work Monday b/c I was still pretty sick. Talk about a bad day. Nick took off work early, we picked Hunter up from school early, and went to the post office for our 3pm appointment to get Hunter's passport. Nightmare!!!! You have to have an appt and they don't answer the phone, so we went in Saturday to set the appt up. Needless to say, after waiting in line for 30 minutes, the lady discovers that my license expired three weeks ago so she would not process it. Nick was fuming mad. I was honestly in tears. I felt badly b/c I just didn't know and was just so mad that I started crying! We drove to SOS to renew the license, waited 30 minutes there, and then went back to the post office thinking maybe they'd give us a break. No such luck. Waited in line again to have them tell me they could not process it after 4pm and I would have to set up yet another appointment---again taking more time off work, pull Hunter from school, etc. I cried even harder this embarrassing in front of 25 people in line, but I really didn't care at that point. To make matters worse (and why I was really probably crying), is when I picked up Hunter from school the teacher wanted to talk to me. Apparently, this other kid who is Hunter's BFF and trouble making buddy has an older brother who told him all about the school shooting. We did not tell Hunter--he's five and doesn't need to know. So this boy told Hunter all about it and then told Hunter he was bringing a gun to school the next day for him and Hunter to shoot kids. I was so mad and upset. This is a Christian Montessori and I just thought this stuff would not happen--obviously I'm naive. The principal spoke to both kids--Hunter was not in trouble, but they wanted to reassure him that school is safe and that would not be happening. I then contacted the principal who said they talked to the child and parents again after school to make it clear this talk was not acceptable. I know there is no malicious intent, but it was upsetting. I want to shelter my kids from this stuff and they hear it at school anyway. I have a feeling this kid got in big trouble by his parents that night! Hunter hasn't said anything since, so I've let it go.
That has been my week and it's only Wednesday. I took Jack Christmas shopping Monday night while still under the weather. Last night I took him on a date to the mall to get a haircut and eat dinner. Tonight we have a Christmas party to attend. Tomorrow we are supposed to see Santa again so Jack has his opportunity. Jack wants  "toys" for Christmas and Hunter wants "a million piece puzzle". Gosh, I think that is it for now...This time of year is WAY to stressful!!!


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