Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Pictures :)

Here are some pictures from Christmas Eve and Day. I'm so disappointed in myself for not taking more pictures! It's just too hard when I have to keep after these kids constantly! Christmas Eve we went to my aunt's house (dad's sister). Their whole family was there and ours....10 adults and 4 kids. We have a lot of fun and Rhonda has tons of toys and activities for the kids to do. 
 While we got dinner ready the three littlest sat and watched part of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the computer.They were all in the zone! 
 Five Below is awesome. I got these smarties for my mom b/c she loves them :) ha! We don't exchange gifts with my family on Christmas Eve, but I got her this anyway.
 Hunter got my dad a giant whoopee cushion. It was the hit of the night. My lips were chapped from blowing it up so many times. The kids were all fighting over who got to sit on it next. Then you have Nick recording the noise and texting it to friends like he can take credit for farting that good. So mature. 
 All hanging out after eating way too much! 
 Christmas Day--we went to 9am mass with my family and then back to my mom's house. They just put a huge addition on their family room...and we needed it for all the darn presents she buys. This wasn't even all of it. She keeps saying, "I wont go crazy this year", but she always does. Nick has made two car trips home full of gifts and we still don't have them all. My parents are bringing the rest Saturday night. Next year Nick said he is renting a U-haul. It's totally kids are spoiled by Nana and Pee-paw. 
 Now that Bailey is no longer alive, we brought Chopper and he got to come out of his crate. Emily was so happy that Madison had a friend over. They didn't quite "play", but "tolerated" each other. At least no dog fights! 
 Our cutie pie!! Finally a smile with his eyes open :)
My other three boys--They are so cute :) Hunter earned a dollar for every hour he behaved. He melted down at the end and only earned 7 dollars. He got a cash box with a combination lock and loved it. He carries it around home and says "I have 7 bucks. I'm rich aren't I mommy??"
Then he keeps trying to give his money to Jack! I can't leave any money sitting out b/c he's sneaky and takes it and goes running to his bank. We have to talk about what stealing means! 

Next I need to post pics of Christmas with Gammy Dori and our visit to Holiday Nights at Greenfield Village! 


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