Saturday, May 19, 2012

Surgery tomorrow...please pray

It's a long story but over the last week my back has gone from bad to worse to unbearable. I had to take an ambulance on Friday to the hospital bc I could not move. I had an MRI and it shows I blew out the same disc as before and it's sitting on a nerve. I can only lay in my side so surgery is required ASAP. I have been lying down for 48 hours now. Surgery tomorrow morning. Please pray it goes well. I think I am in complete shock still that it happened so fast with no time to prepare! I am worried about kids, nick, risks of repeat surgery, etc. I just can't believe it. Please pray for me, kids, nick, my family, and a smooth recovery so I can go home. My kids need me and are both mamma's boys right now so it breaks my heart not being there for them. Thank you!!!!! Love, Jennifer

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