Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I just randomly brought my camera...

We are back safe and sound from DC in case you thought I was MIA. I was so busy before I left! Anyway, last week when Nick was gone one evening I was playing with the kids on the deck and I decided to bring my camera out and randomly started taking pictures of them. They also met a caterpillar friend who was the subject of several pictures!

 The kids were both fighting over holding him. At one point I thought Mr. Caterpillar might get broken in half. They played with it for at least 45 minutes. Cheap thrills. 

 I was just messing around with camera settings and got some cute ones of Jack. 
Minus the dirt on his face--I think he was eating it when I wasn't looking. 

 He has the most precious cheeks, lips, eyelashes, etc. I can't believe he's mine!!! 
 Love the smile too...he's so handsome!! 

 Our little two year old now wears underwear in the house. We don't go out yet without a diaper, but we're working on it. I can't believe both of my boys are out of diapers (almost). It actually is making me a bit sad that Jack is getting bigger and learning so much all the time--he's not my little baby anymore. 
 We usually watch one (or two) episodes of Curious George around 7:15pm. They eat an apple and/or yogurt popsicles and wind down. Poor Jack has two messed up toes like his daddy. I fear the second one will overlap the third on both feet. I already asked the dr and nothing we can do, but at least we know who to blame. 

 My other handsome guy--he needs a haircut :)
 Chopper was our baby before we had babies. 
Poor dog. He looks sad, but his life is not that bad. Not as good as it used to be, but not bad. His bottom teeth are really messed up. The gums have grown over the teeth. We had them cut back once and they grew right back over. He still eats fine, but we do worry about bacteria and other yucky stuff getting in there. 


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