Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Jack sleeping where?

Does this child think he owns our bed or what? A few times a month he'll wake up crying in the night. He wants OUT of his room. So we'll bring him back to our room, let him fall asleep, and then carry him back to his room. With my surgery, Nick having to carry him both ways, and being so exhausted due to "life" in general right now, we've fallen back asleep and then before we know it it's 6am and he's still there with us. Fortunately, unlike Hunter, he is a good boy and doesn't move and kick all over the place.  I just had to snap a few pics with my phone. 

 Between Jack spread out in the middle and the dog, there isn't a lot of room for Nick and I....even in a king size bed.  
A couple of days ago here he was again! I can't believe he sleeps through us getting ready for work, but he does :)
This is where he belongs--sleeping in his own bed....I had to wake him from a nap the other day and I just couldn't help but snap a picture. 
I hope my mom doesn't read this b/c she has made it very clear from the time I got pregnant she is against co-sleeping b/c we don't want him in bed with us when he's 5, but every now and then I can't say I mind when he snuggles with me! And he's just SO cute!!!

I hope to get back to blogging more soon. First, I need to get through this surgery recovery, get caught up in life in general (work, kids, other commitments, etc.). Then I need to get my darn camera fixed. I'm embarrassed to say, but a diet pepsi exploded in my work bag with my camera. I have not had time to get it fixed and that was one month ago...and three days before I went to the hospital. I have a good excuse! 

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