Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween 2013

On Tuesday before Halloween we went to the Barton Hills Spooktacular....we went last year and it was a lot of fun. They have a not-so-scary seating for the younger kids, buffet, etc. We took my parents which was fun :)
 Hunter was a vampire
 My cute little fire fighter

 Me and my scary vampire
 One of the few family pics! 
 Love this! 
 Love this too! 

On Halloween it rained the entire day--boo. We went to Joe and Heather's for their annual Halloween Party. The kids went out trick-or-treating...

What I will remember forever is that they collected a ton of candy and the next day they completely forgot about it. Honest to God truth, they never ate any of their candy. The excitement was in collecting it, but they totally forgot and two weeks later still have not remembered that they have it...I think I'll keep it that way. I am SO happy about it, but also think it's so funny that especially Hunter never remembered to ask about it!! I can't wait to tell them this story when they are older!! 

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