Monday, November 11, 2013

Jack's 4th Birthday!

 Jack's birthday fell on a Saturday this year with the UM vs. Nebraska game...He had his celebration of life thing at school on Friday...he had a great time with it. Then Saturday we had a birthday party and football party combined. Nothing too big--mostly family and a couple of friends. 
Getting ready for the ceremony they do
He got to help pass out the snack we brought in...and passed around some pictures. He was SO adorable. 

 You carry the earth around the "sun" for each year of's a super cute thing and most Montessori schools do something very similar.  
 Uncle Mark and Aunt Brandie came into town late the night before his bday b/c they had a wedding to attend. Mark was teaching Jack some yoga poses. 
 Gammy made Jack a cookie cake and Aunt Rhonda made her famous giant cupcake with candy on it :) 

Jack is SO sweet, so cute, and just the most loving child. He tells us he loves us all the times, gives out unsolicited hugs and kisses all the time...and is so sweet. He is a little instigator of trouble with his big brother when he feels like it. Then he usually ends up getting hurt, but he will learn. We love you Jack!!!

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