Monday, July 9, 2012

Florida Sneak Peek

I have lots of pictures from our trip to FL, but will have to post more later :) Here are a few fun ones! We left Thursday and got home last night. Nick was the one REALLY on vacation b/c he had the house to himself and was with the dog. It was a lot of work traveling with the kids...two days of travel, two days of vacation = not very relaxing. However, my grandpa was very happy to see us all for his 80th birthday!! I guess that makes it worth it. My parents were SUPER helpful and treated the kids and I to a nice suite at the Vero Beach Hotel & Spa. The kids had a blast in the pool as you will see...we have a new little fishy on our hands! 

 My grandpa (dad's dad) is in the wheelchair. Top row--Uncle Joe, Aunt Rhonda (dad's sister), Connie Joey, Tyler, and my dad. Then Hunter, me, grandpa, Jack, and my mom :) The whole crew visiting him on Friday evening. 
 Friday morning we sat outside and was HOT. 
 Jack in the pool...he pretty much was stuck like this. And he almost drowned another time, but we don't have to discuss that. LOL.  
 This is our crazy kid. He is now doing it without his jacket, cannon balls, diving, flips, etc. It's hilarious. We dunked him, threw him in, and he just loved it all. I think he gets the idea of holding his breath now and things have gotten much better. He said, "mama, I can't wait to show daddy how I'm going to jump off the diving board with no life jacket and swim to the side all by myself!!". I'm so proud of him!! 
I love these pictures where his knees are back and he's mid-air. I really heart my camera. 
 My mom took the above one with her cell phone. He was doing so awesome. We stayed at Rhonda's hotel on Friday night until about 9:30 pm b/c the kids didn't want to get out of the pool. Hunter was so funny...he would run over to the table take four quick bites of food and run back to jump in the pool. 
My mom (and dad) were very helpful. Since my mom guilt-ed and insisted I bring Hunter I told her she could handle him all weekend....and she did. That kids never stops. I love him, but it would have been more of a "vacation" had he stayed home with dad. But then again, I wouldn't have these fun pictures.
Hunter doing a flip off to the side. Don't worry, he didn't hit his head. 
 Tyler came too...such a cutie! I can't wait till next summer and we'll have all four boy cousins running around together. 
 Jack wasn't sure what to think of the sand in his shoes. He was not happy at first. He doesn't like weird textures on his feet. 

 Hunter had fun running and jumping in the waves before dark. 
 Jack preferred to play in the sand and watch his crazy brother. 
 However, after Hunter and my dad went back up to the pool Jack decided the ocean was ok. I held his hands and he was having fun with the waves.  
 Yes, my parents will stay in a luxury suite, but we still eat at Waffle House!! 
Classy huh?? People watching there is the best. 
This child would NOT sleep on the plane on the way home, but falls asleep on the QuickPark bus as soon as we got off the plane and headed to the car. We moved him to the car, then up to our bed, and he still didn't wake up. It took me 30 minutes to wake him up for dinner and he was not happy about it. He's a tired boy! 


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