Friday, December 13, 2013

Gigi--March 16, 1929--December 5, 2013

My grandma was a wonderful lady. She was 84 and in July 2013 she had a massive stroke. It really changed everything (below is her in June and she was doing well). She never recovered and things went downhill, especially in November. She died on Thursday, December 5th--one week after Thanksgiving. She did not suffer too long and I'm so grateful that I was able to say goodbye many times. I spent a lot of time in the hospital for the 10 days prior to her dying. I took both kids to visit her and have so many good memories with her with my kids over the last 6 years. I don't have any regrets which gives me peace. We included her and she was always so happy to tag along out to the boat, Hunter's football games, and anything else she was able to make it to. My kids knew her and knew her well...and I'm so glad. I remember a few years ago she told me she wanted to live so that they would remember her and I'm certain they will. 
I miss her a lot already! 
Hunter came to the funeral and although we weren't sure if he should come, Gigi had her hand in things and he was a wonderful boy all day long. He sat through mass, helped as a pallbearer, went to the cemetery, handed out these seeds, sat through the luncheon, and was so sweet the whole day. They showed a video and I could tell he was happy to see himself with Gigi. She loved Hunter (and Jack) so much....Hunter had a special place in her heart though. He could do no wrong, even when he was naughty! 
 Handsome little man!! 

 This is his first time wearing a shirt and tie and he looks super cute!! 

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