Monday, July 29, 2013

Fun at the Fowlerville Fair

I really need to stop neglecting my blog b/c I have tons of fun pictures to post! Anyway, Saturday was not a very nice day, but we ventured up to the FF for some fun, monster truck show, and excellent people watching. It was my first monster truck show, as well as the kids, and they had a great time, despite some off and on rain and COLD. Our kids are fair ride junkies. Nick is a baby and hates anything that spins. I actually like rides, but the filth, weirdos working, and scariness in thinking about them putting the rides together makes me nervous...but having young kids, I've had to get over it and roll with it. The best was the guy doing the ride below. He was huge and had a even bigger wad of chew in his mouth and all over his tongue. I think he called me "honey" and "baby". Classy! We went with Joe, Heather and Tyler...and met up with a few other people there was fun! 
 Ok, Hunter is nuts. I went on it the first time with him. I was kept going up and up and up...and then shoots you down super fast. I fully expected Hunter to cry, but he insisted we do it...ahhh...I must love this child. He loved it. I did not. Then he went two more times by himself! And what's crazy if you have to be 48 inches tall. He is just that and only 5, where he's about as tall as a 7 year old (he wears 7 pants). My point is he is likely one of the youngest riders ever to go on this. haha. The look on his face coming down is priceless, but then he's all smiles. He's like "that feeling in my stomach kind of hurts, but it feels good at the same time"....too funny. 
 It was kind of raining and he was almost alone on the ride
 Monster truck was loud and fun. I was freezing though! 

Telling cousin Joey some jokes :)

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