Friday, June 14, 2013

GLTW year end party

The kids got out of school last Thursday and Friday night they had a 25 year celebration at their school which was also their year-end party. The kids had a great time! 
 Hunter and his bff, Aruis. They are both staying at GLTW next year, but I'm guessing teachers will split them into different classrooms! 
 Hunter is willing to try anything and everything! I was so proud of him for trying this. It was hard, but he did pretty well for only being five years old! 
 The kids next to him were all 2nd and 3rd graders. 
He was SO excited about this. He was doing tons of flips and having a great time!! 

 No fear! 
Jack getting ready for his turn :)
Jack was probably under the weight limit and with the bands, his toes barely touched the trampoline, but the volunteer was super nice and kept giving him a sling shot back up into the air. He loved it too! 

One full week of school off under our belts. They have been to the pool, splash pad, Jungle Java (twice!), Domino's Petting Farm, and more! Lucky kiddos fully enjoying summer so far. We have summer camps, vacation bible school, and much more later this summer too :)

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