Thursday, September 8, 2011

My almost 4 year old

I am going to do a big 4-year old post to talk about everything Hunter is doing and saying these days when he actually does turn 4. I can't believe he's almost 4 and back in school. So far so good. I think I do have the most inquisitive child on Earth. I love answering his questions though b/c they are so funny. I just wish they didn't have to do with poop so much. Last night we got into this long dinner conversation about milk and why we drink cow's milk and how animal and human mommy's make milk for their babies...and you can figure out where that went (him and Jack drinking my milk when they were babies and do I still have milk in there...haha). I don't want to make stuff up b/c he remembers everything so I gave him as little information, but he really was fascinated by it. I'm sure when he's 18 he will be totally grossed out.

We made this to hang on the door wall in the kitchen so we can countdown to his bday...We'll start crossing off days starting tomorrow! I can't figure out why these are imported sideways. They are the right way on my computer, but I am too lazy to try and figure it out. "Genius at work" is referring to Hunter...and...

..."Creative genius" refers to me and this lovely chart. Yeah right. I am so NOT creative. Our poor kids are screwed when it comes to this stuff with parents like Nick and I. We are not creative at all. I hope we can get some help from Nana and Grandpa when it comes to school projects in the future b/c Nick and I are not good at that stuff. We can help with math, reading, and all that "practical" stuff, but when it comes to creativity--not so much. We try to draw and paint with them to inspire some creativity, so maybe they will be better than us.

Hope you are having a great day! We have all had a little bug, but I think we're on the mend. Nick was home in bed yesterday not feeling well. I went to work and Julie came to watch Jack while Hunter was in school. Jack threw up in her car (sorry Julie), but seems better today. It's not that bad, but I have just felt "blah" since Monday afternoon and was throwing up Monday night. I hope to put up pictures from the lake, Toledo Zoo, Rolling Hills waterpark, etc over Labor Day Weekend, but have been so busy!

Can't wait for this weekend...going to U of M game with lots of friends who I haven't seen in years. It is going to cost us an arm and a leg--you don't want even know what we paid for our tickets...then throw in babysitting, parking, beer, food, etc...yikes. It hurts to think about. BUT, hanging out with friends, going to a historical game (night game vs. Notre Dame) better be priceless! Waking up Sunday morning with 4 hours of sleep or less will not be cool.

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