Friday, September 16, 2011

Labor Day weekend...way late!

I am so behind on posting. I am so busy, but want to get caught up. I love having these memories documented, so I really try hard to keep it up. I can't recall being this busy in a LONG time and it's not letting up. I sure hope it does soon though--Oh wait, kids birthdays, holidays, etc...ahhhh. Nick and I are going to a bed and breakfast in one month for a weekend. I can't wait. I might just sleep the weekend away and only leave the room when I need food--haha.

Last night Jack was basically up from 1:30am on. I think he is getting his molars. He's been fussy for a few days now, so I will be medicating him to ensure I get some sleep tonight (and to help him with his teething). Don't call CPS on me. He wanted out of his room, so he was in bed with us (which we never do, but we were desperate). I think he sort of fell asleep from 4:30-5:30 and then Hunter was up just after 6am. We attempted to put Jack in his crib, even if it gave us a chance to shower and get ready for work. Of course he fell asleep and didn't wake back up till 9:30am. Please pray I get some sleep tonight b/c I need it. And my back hurts even more from trying to lay still on my back with him on my arm for a few hours.

We have a fun weekend in store. I can't wait to watch Baby Alana tomorrow night--she's about two months old and we get to watch her while her parents go out for their anniversary. Sunday we are going to the cider mill with friends--can't wait for that!! Hunter starts his new soccer semester tomorrow, so I hope it goes well. He was pretty much the best in his class that just ended, so they recommended he "move up". I'm not just saying that b/c I'm his mom, but he really was the best in his class...haha.

Jack and I...

Michael and his mommy. He is such a cutie and going to be a big brother in just a couple of months. Michael is a mini-Hunter and they are having another boy--I feel for them.

Trying to get a good picture of two boys at this age is nearly impossible!

Being silly! Getting a good picture with the boys and us is TOTALLY impossible!

Mike, Jacque, and cute! This was right before Hunter threw a ball and it hit Jacque in the face. I was so mad at him. Nick made him sit on the front porch for "time out". I don't know what that child is thinking when he does stuff like that!

Have a good weekend!

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