Sunday, February 17, 2013

First trip to the ER and other stuff!

Hunter's teacher called me around 12:30 pm on Thursday saying I needed to come pick him up right away. He had put a pearler bead in his nose and I had to take him to the dr to get it removed. He was very nervous about it and asking lots of questions as to how they were going to get it out. It was so far up there that the pediatrician's office said they would not even try to get it, that I had to go straight to the ER at St. Joe's. So off we went! It was a fast and easy trip thankfully. However, it was funny b/c it took three dr's to determine if they could actually see the bead or not. The resident said he saw it, the dr said she did not see it, so then they had to call in the supervising dr to confirm. By the time she came in, I had him blow his nose a lot and it came a little lower so they could see it (way up there) with their light thing. So they used a flexible metal hook thing to fish it out. I missed my pilates lesson, Nick was mad b/c we will be paying this out of pocket since we have a high deductible, and I just had to laugh when it was all over with. I asked him why he did it and he said "XXX told me to". I don't know whether to believe it or not, but he hasn't done anything like this before and I wouldn't put it past this kid to tell Hunter to do it. Oh well. The nurse told him "Don't ever put anything smaller than your elbow in your nose" and I think that stuck with him! So much for his Valentine's Day craft at school! 

 Hunter telling Nana they got it out!  
I took the bead home to embarrass him with later in life. 
My other cutie pie in his v-day shirt
 Cheesy smile!  
 Our nanny put these together for Hunter and Jack's teachers. They are super cute handmade cards with heart shaped rice krispie treats. Thanks Jessica! 
They are cut-outs of the kids hands--you can see how it makes a heart in the middle. Then the kids painted the outside...cute idea! 
 Treats :) 
I hope all the teachers appreciated them---she had to make 8! (Hunter has 3 teachers and 5 in Jack's room)
This is funny--Hunter wanted to read to Jack. Of course he couldn't just be nice about it and wouldn't show Jack the pictures--little stinker! 
Jack was mad and tried to see the pictures....Then I had to put the phone down and break up the fight that ensued. 

Nick and Hunter just landed in Mexico! It's freezing here and in an hour they will be in the pool in 85 degree weather--lucky them!! 


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