Friday, July 13, 2012

Hunter graduated

Hunter went to Safety Town all this week. The program is over 30 years old b/c I did it when I was a kid too. We've had lots of interesting conversations....we talked about power lines the whole way there this morning (like 25 minutes). We've talked about police, fires, stranger danger, stop/drop/roll, dogs, bikes, helmets, stop lights, etc. He has a lot of good questions followed up by lots of why/why/why? 
 Every morning Office Jason was standing out front greeting the kids. This morning Hunter said he loved Office Jason. I told him that he is the hero of every four and five year old kid in town! I'm sure it doesn't hurt that he says "Who is your favorite police officer?" and the kids go nuts yelling "Officer Jason!!!"
 They had this mock house fire with "smoke that smelled like syrup" according to Hunter. They had to stop/drop/and roll. They also learned about calling 911, fire alarms, what my phone number and what our address is. All good stuff! 
 Graduation day. Hunter's teacher had so much patience. She said he was good the first three days, but the last two were a bit rough. He has a hard time sitting still and keeping his hands to himself. Ahhhh. 
 They performed two songs and Hunter and this other boy would NOT stand up with everyone else. Finally I caught his eye and told him to stand up and then he participated. 
 Performing "Wheels on the bus"...The driver on the bus says "Move on back!!"
 The babies on the bus go "wah wah wah"....
 The mommies on the bus say "Shh. Shh. Shh"

Hunter was happy to see me there. All in all it was a success. He learned and had fun while doing so! 

We're heading up north tomorrow morning and get back on the 21st...I may be MIA for a week and at the pool, beach, and water park with the family. 

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