Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Family Fun at Chucky Cheese

Last Friday night we went to Chucky Cheese with the Fatt Family. Michael is about one month older than Jack and they have another baby boy, Caleb, who is just a couple of months old. Their boys are SO cute!! I am so excited that Jack and Michael will be growing up together and hopefully be really close friends. We've had so much fun hanging out with them since they've moved back to Michigan. They are one of the only families I feel comfortable with when Hunter is acting up. No offense to anyone else, but Michael is a little like Hunter, so I don't feel judged and we just seem to have a lot of fun together! We are so blessed to have such good friends who also have two boys and we can relate to the craziness. I am praying that Caleb is as sweet and easy as Jack since Michael is almost like a mini-Hunter. At least Jack will know how to get along with him!

The three boys...next year Caleb will be able to join in the fun. He spent a lot of time sleeping in his carseat instead :) Michael has the sweetest smile!!

Taking a ride with Chucky :)
Jack was having fun, but is alwasy scowling and making sad faces...haha. Look at those eyebrows...he looks so mad!
Here he looks just flat out sad...poor baby.

Checking out all the rides. We got a package together where we got pizza, drinks, and a ton of tokens. All of the adults played some basketball and ski-ball...that game is addicting and I love playing it. Hunter and I played next to each other while Jack collected our tickets :)

Hunter checking out the rides

Michael is up front with Chucky--Jack was too shy. I think Michael was dancing around with him too--so cute!

This was a roller coaster simulator type ride...Hunter, Michael and his daddy, Mike.

I laugh inside when I think about my life 10 years ago (or even 5) versus now. Who would have thought we'd have playdates at Chucky Cheese on a Friday night with our two crazy boys?? Not me. Our idea of "fun" has done a complete 180 from 5 years ago. I wouldn't trade it b/c I love our boys so much, but it is amazing to think about all the changes. Speaking of changes, I'm planning to do a post all about each kid very soon...I just want to document for myself what they are up to and donig at this stage.

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