Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Fun

Yesterday we went to church together and then Nick went to the Lions game with his dad. The kids and I had some time before naps, so we played in the leaves in the back yard. It was fun and one of those simple joys of being a kid (or adult, as I was laying in them too!)

After naps we met up with my friend Amber at the cider mill/apple orchard. More pictures from that tomorrow hopefully. It was such a gorgeous day!

Having so much fun throwing the leaves up in the air :) They would have played a lot longer, but we had to go in and eat lunch and take naps :(
Where's Jack?

I love these pictures of Hunter throwing the leaves, although they are all taken with my cell phone.

Can you tell my kid has a lot of energy!?!?

He's preparing to fall straight forward into the pile of leaves I raked for him! He would stand there for a few seconds and then fall cute.

I think Jack is so stinkin' cute, but he's not that photogenic at times.

Isn't this the most pathetic face? I have no idea why, but I was laughing when I saw it on my phone.
Jack and I in the leaves together

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