Monday, July 18, 2011

Random Catch-Up

We had a busy, but fun weekend. Last week, my Great Aunt Aileen was in town from Wisconsin. She is my grandpa's sister (he died in 2000). She came on the train to MI and stayed with my grandma for a few days. I was happy that I got to see her a few times while she was in town. She's so cute and fun! Last Thursday evening we took the boat down to Zukey Lake Tavern for dinner....

Can you tell he looks so happy to be hanging out with us women? Nick was on the tube with Hunter, so he was stuck with us girls (besides Jack).

Jack driving the boat with grandpa. He would really just prefer to press buttons on the radio and honk the horn.

Hunter was wild as usual, so Nick has been a good sport about riding on the tube with him. It's nice to have a little peace on the boat while they are out tubing :)

Thanks are a good daddy and husband. He is sure to point out to all of us that he is doing a good deed by hanging out on the tube with Hunter.

Friday my grandma starting seeing double and having some other issues, so she was taken to U of M hospital. We think she may have had a mini-stroke. We were bummed b/c we all had plans to go out to dinner Friday night (my parents, Emily, Gigi, Aunt Aileen, etc). We all went, but she had to stay at the hospital :(

Saturday morning while Hunter and Nick were at soccer, Jack and I went to say hello. Jack sat on her bed for a while playing with my sunglasses. These pictures are kind of dark but you can see how happy Jack is...he was looking up and giving her this huge smile. She looks happy too!

Being silly with my sunglasses.

His outfit says "Super Cute" and I think he knows it!

My grandma got to leave on Saturday, so that was good. She is doing much better and I hope she continues to feel good.

Saturday afternoon I worked at our church festival from 2-4pm. It was SO HOT in the tent. Nick came up with the kids just after 4pm so they could play. Some friends also met us up there...I have pictures, but haven't loaded them on my computer yet. More on that later!

Sunday we went to Costco and ran a few errands in the morning. After nap, we met some other friends out at the lake. They have three adorable boys and they are just the nicest family. We met them at church and have hung out a few times. We have a lot in common and I look forward to getting to know them better. However, Hunter threw a frisbee and accidentally hit their 4 year old, Pierce, in the face. I am guessing he will have a black eye this morning. I hope they will want to hang out with us again! Hunter did feel badly--he kept saying, "it was an accident. is he ok?" I felt so badly and kept apologizing. I really hope Pierce is ok!!

Have a great week. I am hosting a get together at my house tomorrow for about 20 women. Then we leave on Friday for Grand brother-in-law's wedding. Hunter is going to be the ring bearer and I'm getting more nervous about how that will go the more I think about it. He was behaving better 9 months ago when they asked us. I will just pretend he's not mine and let Nick deal with him--haha. I still have to find time to get a dress!!

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