Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hands on Museum

Our family, along with what it seemed like every other family in town, went to the Hands On Museum on MLK Day. Nick and I both had the day off and decided to go for a couple of hours in the morning to have some "quality family fun" time together. It was super crowded! The kids had fun, but by 11:30am we were ready to head home. We have a membership and as long as we go about 3 times per year, it pays for itself.

Hunter made friends with these two brothers immediately and they built a huge "castle" with blocks. I kept waiting for someone to knock it over and there to be tears.
In this pre-school room they have a little area for little ones under 18 months. It was nice to keep Jack in there away from the many other bigger kids running around.
They have a water table that is always a huge hit with the kids!
They have all these foam blocks in a huge room which is also a big attraction.

We always head to the ambulance...Hunter was being so bossy telling us what to do and where to go. He wanted to drive and Jack and I were instructed to sit in the front so he could drive us "to the hopspital to fix our boo-boo's".
We had a nice long weekend with the kids (for the most part)! Nick and I went on a date on Saturday night for the first time in a couple of months, which was awesome. We went to PF Changs and then to see The Fighter. It was so fun to hang out together and just have a chance to talk without the stress of bringing a 3 year old out to a restaurant with us :) Plus we had gift cards for dinner and the movie, so that was a plus!

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