Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Heather's Baby Shower

Sunday my Mom, Sister Emily, Cousin Connie and I threw a baby shower for my cousin's wife, Heather. It was at my mom's house and we had a really nice time. There were supposed to be about 20 people there but several random things happened and only about 15 or so made it.
I wish I looked this good when I was pregnant!! haha.

My cousin Connie, aunt Rhonda, cousin Joey, and his wife Heather.

Emily was "sick" in bed the whole time, so when Jack fell asleep we stuck him with her. He slept for a good two hours. She said she had food poisoning....or a hangover? hhmmmm. haha.

This gave everyone a good laugh. I'd seen them before on someone's registry. Now all I need to do is come up with one idea as ridiculous as this and I'll be rich!

Heather opening gifts
Joey (my cousin)...he doesn't even know what is about to hit him in another couple of months!

Connie and Baby Jack
My mom and my great-aunt Connie (she lives in CA and is here fore 3 weeks visiting family)
Soon-to-be-grandma Rhonda

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