Monday, November 22, 2010

Learning to write...and what a coincidence!

Hunter has been learning the basics of writing his letters at school. They have an interesting way of doing it at Montessori school which involves tracing the letters with your finger which are a sandpaper texture. I guess it's highly effective and his teacher told us recently at a conference that it couldn't hurt for us to do a little of this at home too. She suggested we draw the letter on the chalkboard and he dip his finger in water and try to "trace and erase" it with his finger.

Daddy showing him how to do it. I pulled out the camera b/c I was so proud of him...he really concentrated on this and had to trace it perfectly. I know one of the goals with the pre-schoolers is to teach them how to concentrate and focus on a task and he did a great job! I was shocked that with his energy level he actually did the abc's two times in a row! He really enjoyed this and is learning along the way. He was also really proud of himself once he completed it.
Yay Hunter! When you say, "Hunter is so smart", he copies you and says, "I'm so fart". Those "s's" are still a little hard for him! It cracks us up though.

The huge, the next day after we did the chalkboard activity, Nick saw an advertisement for an apple app that we could buy for $2. So, now he can also learn to trace the letters on the ipad! It does the upper and lower case letters and also shows you the proper way to write the letter. Technology is so amazing.

I thought it was so crazy that the day after we did the one activity he saw the advertisement for this. I like to limit tv, and "screen time", but at least he's doing something educational on the ipad :)

1 comment:

Britta said...

You have to get the Super Why app (it's a free one) if you don't already have it. Lena loves it and the Princess Presto section does this finger tracing, too! Super Readers to the rescue! :-)