When I got home from work yesterday Julie said Jack was doing well with the potty training. He had used the potty a few times with her. I let him go naked (with shirt on) for quite a while with no luck. Then they were outside for quite a while and he had a diaper on, so not a ton of opportunity to try. I wanted to stay in and practice all night, but once he saw Nick and Hunter outside he wanted to go out. He did pee a little bit on the floor, but oh well.
Such a silly boy! I was giving him lots of water and milk. We kept trying to sit on the potty every 20 minutes or so. He loves to flush the toilet, turn the sink water on, wash his hands, etc., so this playing in the bathroom thing is pretty fun for him I'm sure.
He can climb on the toilet pretty well by himself
I haven't really seen this technique before, but that's fine. Julie's friend taught her kids this way so I'm not one to complain as long as it's working! Hey, cleaning out the kid potty is gross anyway, so straight to this potty is fine with me. He can sit and balance way better sitting this way...much less risk of falling in than the other way.
Jack really wanted to go outside to help Nick and Hunter plant some trees. Nick got some new trees to go along the house by our sun room. It looks like a tall silo from the back, so I'm excited to see how it looks once the trees are done. Hunter was very helpful. They loaded up the extra dirt in his John Deere tractor and took it back to the woods and dumped it. Hunter was really good!
I can't wait to embarrass him with these when he gets older!!
Last night he would not put on underwear, but this morning after Hunter helped me convince him, he put these on. Jack was up before 6am, so I was drying my hair in the kitchen and he is trying to be sneaky here.
It was hilarious. He took a tub of Cool Whip out of the freezer, sat with it on the floor, opened it, took a one finger swipe in it, licked it, put the lid back on, and put it back away. I was cracking up b/c he thought he was being clever and I couldn't even get mad. Jack used the potty once for me this morning before I left. He pooped on the floor, so we'll have to work on that. At least it was on the hardwood floor and easy to clean up.
On another note, Hunter is doing AWESOME with his two new discipline techniques (marbles and 1-2-3 magic system). He is still going to timeout, but it seems like not as much. I can see he gets very upset now if he has to go to timeout. The marbles are also working really well. He loves earning his rewards. He even makes his bed now, which I know he should have been doing, but whatever! He got to go to Chuck E. Cheese Saturday night. Monday he earned a prize from the bucket (glow in the dark snakes and a tootsie pop). Today he'll get to 15 and I think Julie is going to take them to get ice cream later. He really wants Qdoba for some reason, so I'm guessing we'll end up there on Friday night for dinner as his reward. I have no idea, but he was in tears last night wanting Qdoba, but we didn't go out.
Nick and I are leaving Saturday around noon for Washington DC. We are super excited. Thanks to my mom and dad for watching the kids. We leave Saturday and come back Tuesday afternoon. Julie will be there Monday and Tuesday during the day, so that will help my mom so she can go home for the day. Before kids I never would have said this, but I'm excited just to get on the plane so I can peacefully read a book. We plan to see some sights, sleep, eat some meals in peace, maybe go to the spa in the hotel, and just relax. I've been SO tired lately it's not even funny. I'm just so looking forward to getting away and I've never been there, so I'm excited!! Please pray my kids are good for my parents and that Hunter be good with his new discipline systems with them.
I love your son’s little penis! I really want to touch it!
His penis would be perfect to suck on! I'd even drink his pee for him!
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